As a newlywed in a transitional period of life, I am all too familiar with the idea of "coveting." There seems to always be more than we can afford to buy! And although I am seeking to live by Ephesians 5:3-4, I also recognize that we are called to be good stewards of the money we DO have, thus, I try to stretch my dollars as far as I can.
I want to help you do the same thing. (Maybe) I'm just weird, but I get such a thrill out of getting good or great deals on things. The hunt is part of the fun for me, so if that's the daunting part, let me help! I'll be posting deals and bargains and coupons and discounts, etc. that I find so you can take advantage of them too. However, my pledge is to only post things that I like and think you will too - no flood of useless deals here. If it's food, clothing or entertainment related - I'll let you know. Likewise, will you help me out by letting me know deals you find that are good enough to share?
I, and other wise stewards out there, will thank you :)
P.S. To keep up with what's going on in our lives OUTSIDE of the bargain world, visit our main blog here.